Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Congratulations Mr. President!

Whew! What a long 8 years that was... Bush will soon settle nicely into the background and out of our economic crisis forever! 

Jen joined me at work at the historical society to watch a live streaming video of the Inauguration speech.  As soon as I saw Aretha's hat I thought "Oh jesus! Now half the world is going to be concerned with that damned hat!" And guess what? An hour after Obama was sworn into office, there was online chatter about Ms. Franklin's head garment! Don't people have better things to do... like talk about the speech!

I was happy to hear our new president say "The time has come to reaffirm.... the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness."

I hope this message resonates throughout the country. In a country where we all have the right to be free, equal and to have a chance at happiness we fall short of that promise. We aren't all equal, and therefore we can't pursue our full measure of happiness. Let's hope that Obama's message carries into the hearts of those who hate. To those who seek to continue the separation of people- to deny rights of minorities whether racial, ethnic, religious or based on sexual orientation and gender. 

Women are still treated unfairly- in their homes and families, in the workplace.
Gay men and women are denied the right to marriage in most places- for them, marriage is their pursuit of happiness. 
Minorities in all forms are so far from being equal. So far from getting to achieve their right of happiness. 

Let's thank Obama for reminding us of our rights in this country... and hope that the message reaches those who really need to hear it! 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Best of 2008

2008 has come and gone... and was an exciting year for us!

Here are some of our highlights from '08... in no particular order

-our new HOME (as of 12/07, actually) at 44 Spruce St. We've had a great time working on it- painting, decorating, hauling heavy furniture into it, and falling in love with the neighborhood. The kitchen now has two walls that are painted bright yellow/orange. (Paint name: Hawaiian Passion... wasn't that a fruit drink in the 90s?)

- VINO. We drank a lot of wine in 2008, and visited a few vineyards in New England and California. We've enjoyed some wine dinners (Bar LoLa for Jen's birthday was excellent) and always have lots of the 15 cent goodies for the can collectors on Wednesday mornings. Some of our favorites this year have been: Baltasar Gracian (2005, Spain) Tempranillo-Syrah, Fuedo Arancio (2005, Sicily) Syrah, Rioja Vega (2006, Spain) Tempranillo-Garnacha, Viejo Feo (2006 Chile) Merlot, and our favorite from my birthday dinner at Bresca, Librandi Ciro Riserva, Duca San Felice (2001, Calabra, Italy). 
A Toast to the wines we enjoyed in 08 and the ones we have yet to discover in 09!

- SCOOT!! Little scoot, appropriately called the "Yamaha Vino" was bought on Jen's birthday, April 15th. We love scoot, and are sad in the cold months when we can't go scooting. Rania bought the same scoot a few days after we got our silver one. Hers is a sexy cherry red, and our favorite past time is taking long scoots around town, near the ocean, and to 158! 

- TRAVELING. We felt the economic pressure this year, for sure, but still managed to get away on VK. In March, we went to Califonia and stayed with Jess Joy and Pat Newton in Oakland. We spent a week touring San Fran, Napa/ Sonoma, Berkeley, Muir and Stinson beaches, and really loved it.  We miss Jess and Pat so much- so it was great to have them show us around their new city.  Jen and I made a lot of day trips and weekend get-aways to places like the White Mountains in NH, Acadia National Park, Rockland/ Camp at Owl's Head, Harpswell and Popham Beach. Jen bought a new MSR tent this year and we loved camping with it. Besides breaking her toenail in the White Mnts. by chopping wood in sandals, we had a great time with all our escapades. (p.s. the toenail is still blue... and falling off. ew)

- BABIES and weddings. Not ours, of course. But a few friends of our had kids this year, including Moira Blythe, daughter of Miranda and Tom. Kjeld Jonas Tate, son of Leah and Steve. And Macallister, son of Kate and Marc. All this has Jen hot with baby fever... but we're gonna wait a few more years! We're also excited about the engagement of our friends Ray and Anna who biked from Seattle to Maine this past summer! We went to the weddings of Miranda and Tom, Leslie and Brad, and Josh and Liz. 

-OBAMA.  Of course I need to mention that a major highlight in our year was Obama winning the presidential election. WHEW! We don't have a TV, so we couldn't watch the broadcast the night of the election. Instead, we went to bed and woke up like kids on Christmas morning waiting to see if we had coal in our stockings (McCain) or lots of great gifts under the tree (Obama). We opened our laptop to MSNBC and were brought to tears watching Obama's acceptance speech. When I got home from work later that day, I saw a note from jen... here's an excerpt (note the baby fever I just mentioned)
"...yea for Obama! I really did have a plan B for us- to move to Canada and have lots of babies!..."   

- KEITH OLBERMANN AND GAY MARRIAGE. While the Obama victory has us delighted, we were greatly disappointed in California's vote to ban gay marriages. How sad. Prop 8 is devastating, and a great step backwards in our world of supposed progression of human rights. But in a fantastic speech given live on his MSNBC show "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" the spokesman gave us a little hope and an articulate response for those who can't see things the way we do. Watch the video, or read the speech by clicking this link
an excerpt "...You are asked now, by your country, and perhaps by your creator, to stand on one side or another. You are asked now to stand, not on a question of politics, not on a question of religion, not on a question of gay or straight. You are asked now to stand, on a question of love. All you need do is stand, and let the tiny ember of love meet its own fate."
On the upside, YAY for Connecticut for allowing gay marriages! Also, when I left the voting booth at Reiche School, the EQME (Equality Maine) table was swarmed with people filling out cards to help in the process of bringing Gay Marriage to the Maine Legislature. My petition card was one of 33,000 (!) Mainers who helped in the effort. 

-JEN PASSED CHEMISTRY.  With this upcoming spring as her last semester of undergrad at USM, we were thrilled to see Jen's passing grades in Chemistry from the fall semester! She excelled in her chem lecture and lab, and in her site planning class. She also took Wilderness First Responder, and will receive her State Certificate in the mail any day now. Just two classes left until Graduation! We are both looking into Masters programs, and I've picked out Marylhurst University in Portland, OR to apply for admissions to their program for an MA in Art Therapy. 

-FLUFFY BUTT. As always, Daxter has been a highlight of our year- and of every day. He has become a therapy dog, too. He comes with me when I cook 4 nights a week for the Thomsens. They absolutely love him, and are always sneaking him treats- which is probably why he loves going so much. He eats up all the food they drop during dinner, stretches out next to the fireplace, or lays on Jeanne and Leonard's laps getting lots of attention. It's great to have a job that lets me bring my dog to work! 

Happy New Year

It's 2009 and I've just hung my Songbirds 09 calendar on the wall in the pantry, replacing the one I had last year. (both were xmas gifts from jen's mom, thanks michelle!) Today's bird is the Black Capped Chickadee. I skipped ahead to April to see what Jen's birthday bird is- this year is it the Northern Cardinal. Over a few pages to August, mine is the Painted Bunting

I miss having the birds in the backyard, the Shepherd's Hook looks so lonely in the snow with no feeder on it. I'm thinking of putting some suet on the fence. 

Today is a lazy Saturday. Jen's working at O'Nats and I've got
 a few hours to kill until I pick up some Salmon and go cook for the Thomsens. Tonight we're planning on having date night at home, and I'm excited to not being going outside in this zero degree weather! 

Fluffy Butt (Daxter) is resting at my feet on the bed. When I came home from bringing Jen to work earlier I was surprised not to find him at the door, wagging his tail and jumping up on me. I looked around the house and called him, but he didn't respond. I walked into our bedroom to find him sprawled out at the top of our bed on Jen's pillow! What a spoiled prince.  Take a look,